Implementing Game Logic

The Resources folder structure should look something like this.

├── images
│   └── .gitkeep
├── scripts
│   ├── rock_paper_scissors.js ⬅️
│   └── index.js
└── styles
    └── styles.css

In this step, we will be working on the file marked with the ⬅️

In the scripts/rock_paper_scissors.js, we will make a RockPaperScissors class that will contain all logic for the game (properties and methods). and in the scripts/index.js file, we will handle the user input and call methods from the RockPaperScissors class as needed.

This file, we will use JavaScript Classes.

RockPaperScissors Class

The class will include a few properties:

  • username
  • score: {user: 0, cpu: 0}
  • gameHistoryLog: []

This class will only contain 4 methods:

  1. constructor(username)
  2. generateCPUResponse()
  3. determineWinner(userSelection, cpuSelection)
  4. play(userSelection)
class RockPaperScissors {
    constructor(username) {

    generateCPUResponse() {

    determineWinner(userSelection, cpuSelection){

    play(userSelection) {

Let’s start with one function at a time…


This function will take in the username as a parameter and set it as a property to the class. In the constructor, we will also defined all our variables and set them to some initial values/

class RockPaperScissors {
    constructor(username) {
        this.username = username;
        this.score = {
            user: 0,
        this.gameHistoryLog = [];


  • class property are declared with the this keyword.


For this function:

  1. Create an array with the following values
    const acceptedValues = [ `rock`, `paper`, `scissors` ]
  2. Using both Math.random and Math.floor() methods, generate a random index number (0,1,2)
  3. return the value of acceptedValue at the random index generated in the previous step.

determineWinner(userSelection, cpuSelection)

This function will take 2 parameters userSelection and cpuSelection and will return one of the following values (win, lose, tie).

  • it would return (tie) if the user selection is the same as the cpu random selection.
  • it would return (win) if:
    • user selection is rock and cpu selection is scissors
    • OR
    • user selection is paper and cpu selection is rock
    • OR
    • user selection is scissors and cpu selection is paper
  • it would return (lose) in any other case.


This method takes in 1 parameter: the userSelection. It will:

  • Get the CPU Random selection using the generateCPUResponse()
  • Determine the winner using the determineWinner(userSelection, cpuSelection)
  • update the score tally this.score
          // if the user won the round
          this.score.user ++;
          // if the user cpu the round
          this.score.cpu ++;


          this.score = {
              user: NEW_SCORE,
              cpu: NEW_SCORE
  • Add another historyLog entry to the game history array.
    • the log entry should look something like this Ben selected Scissors, CPU selected Paper: Ben wins wins
        this.gameHistoryLog.push(`Ben selected Scissors, CPU selected Paper: Ben wins wins`);


Running the unit tests should pass initial look

Next: Handeling User Input