Setting up the Layout

  • Inside the <div class="container">, create the following elements nested as follows:
    • <h1> - with a title of Rock Paper Scissors.
    • 2 <div>s with IDs of welcome-screen & game-screen.
      • Tip: try typing the emmet abbreviation #welcome-screen+#game-screen and hit enter. 😉
    • Inside <div id="welcome-screen">, create the following elements nested as follows:
      • <form> - with an id of name-form
        • <div>
          • <label> - with:
          • <input> - with:
            • placeholder text of Enter Name Here….
            • id of username
            • name property of username
        • <button> - with:
          • the text of Start Game!.
          • id of start-game-button
    • Inside <div id="game-screen">, create the following elements nested as follows:
      • <div> - with an id of score-tally.
        • <p> - with id of score and text of User: 0 v CPU: 0
          • Tip: Emmet abbreviation for a div with an id of score-tally and a paragraph with id of score is #score-tally>p#score.
      • <form> - with an id of game-form
        • <div>
          • <label> - with:
          • <select> - with:
            • id of user-selection
            • 3 <option>s for Rock, Paper, & Scissors
            • Tip: use the Emmet abbreviation: select#user-selection>option*3
        • <button> - with:
          • the text of Go!.
          • id of go-button
      • <p> - with an id of game-history


It should now look like this. initial look

I think We can do a little better.

Next: Styling